Hi and hello to all those who have once read my blog... It really has been quite some time since i last made a new post... last post was on January.. haha! Well if you are still reading this, welcome back to my blog :)
Alright... going into the main point of this post now.. I am sure some of you could remember about me posting about things regarding an individual being truly alone. Well I use to think that it was "Because I believe that it is because of those whom we have, that made us feel lonely." Well.. to be honest I am giving that a second thought. Not that the last post were wrong.. But perhaps it is the fact that progress and events that happens in our life changes our point of view from one to another.
I am sure all of us have felt how it is like being alone, when you are so down and you feel as though you lived in different world from people. But really.. being alone gives us a moment to think.. And I think that is the reason of why people are afraid of being alone.. It is not because of the feeling of being alone that hurts a person, but silence. When a person is alone and silence strikes, it makes them question themselves. It makes them question their existence, meaning and reason for being around people. It makes people ask themselves "Do I really need to be around these people? Do i really need them?"
Questions like these often drive a person crazy at times of silence. But what that really kills a person is in fact not so much of the silence that they face whenever they get home alone, but more of that moment when they are around a bunch of people they know, yet feel completely alone. Perhaps then that is what people feel deep inside? And as they start to feel so, they isolate themselves to get rid of the loneliness that they feel while they are with their friends. And because of that, it starts to feel that being alone in silence aren't that lonely after all.
So then we question ourselves.. Is it lonelier being alone? Or lonelier feeling lonely in a bunch of people we know? I have once mentioned that without wrong decisions, there will be no right decisions.. Without darkness, there will be no light. Perhaps it is the same with being around people... We first feel alone, then feel content being around people we know.. and in the very end feel lonely around these people whom we once cared for. Or perhaps it is a form of process that happens? Just like how every starting point will have an ending point. But the true question is, what is beyond that ending point? There must be something behind it that we can yet to touch or reach for..
So then now we ask ourselves... We once felt alone, then slowly build up a bond that defeats the loneliness, yet in the end because of the bond and contentment that we have that made us realize how it is to be like being truly alone. And now we feel less lonely being alone because we know that everything will end sooner or later... But what’s next? Finding new people to add into coming chapters of our life? If so does it mean that we are basically using people to fill us up to keep us going? So are people around us just like fuel to a car? Or is it true that people can only find peace and serenity when they accepts all faults and beauty, and live a simple life?
Thanks for reading.. Fruitful thought :))
To fill a glass to its tip may seems to hold a lot,
but only an empty glass can be used to fill things.
So then we ask ourselves,
which is more?
Empty or Content?
Axel out.
ஐღº A.C ºღஐ
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