Sunday, December 4, 2011

ஐღº Memories an energy? ºღஐ

Hey all to those that are still viewing my blog, its been nearly two months since I've last made a post. And Oct 1st, was one night before my dearest Jerry passed away. To those that does not know who he is, well he is my doggy, as well as my family. His been with me for 10 years. I love him a lot. And just lately, I've been constantly bringing him back into my mind. Honestly, its never easy to forget. And especially when that something or someone has played such a big role in your life. It was because of this i have raised a question towards myself, are memories some sort of energy?

This may sound quite scientific, but honestly this theory i have is pretty simple. There were questions raised before my current thinking. Which were "Does spirits exist? And if yes, what form?". Just not long ago my mate have share his thoughts and knowledge with me that a human's body produces heat. Following Newton's law, an energy will always become another energy. It transforms, but never perish. So the thing is, if a human body produces heat, when a person dies, the body becomes cold. So what did the heat of the body became? Somewhat similar of what i had in mind, what if memories were a type of energy?

For example today you went to a boxing gym, and the trainer thought you some moves for boxing, which requires you to move around, this thus has created kinetic energy (the energy of movement). But as we finished the training session and head home, we can still recall from our memories and perform the movement again, and thus creating kinetic energy again. So from this, can we conclude that memories are a form of energy?

Also can energy be considered as a form of emotions? In my personal case, i do believe that emotions are a form of investments. And as investments, being together for 10 years with Jerry has created a deep, huge investments of love and care. And now his leaving has triggered a deep emotion reaction for me. To an extend that i feel i couldn't forgive myself, and yet i do not know why i can't. Really, the feeling is almost indescribable.

On the day he passed away, i cried my heart out. And yet after two months, realizing that he could not come back no matter what, i could still cry by just saying the story again. This memory that he have given to me, not only became a part of me, but also a memory that makes me cry each time i think about. Perhaps memories were just a form of energy that are stored in us?

If memory were a form of energy, will it eventually run out? From how i think, yes it does. Lets say today you made a mistake, and that mistake were not crucial or huge, probably you will stay in your memory system for a week or so, and as this memory was transformed into sadness, eventually it will be all transformed into sadness, and in the end perish from our mind. From that we could see in my case, Jerry and i have been together for 10 years. This memory energy that was created from actions, feelings and emotions that i had with Jerry was stored in my memory system, and thus now the memory that was stored are triggered, it is constantly being transformed into sadness, joy, regrets and so on.

From what i have stated above, how do you guys think about it?
Leave some comments in the chatbox yea... thanks guys :D

Emotions today are memories tomorrow,
memories tomorrow are emotions in future.

Axel out...

ஐღº A.C ºღஐ