Often people have said that they were lonely. But how is it to be truly alone? Is it that for you're whole like you never knew anyone? Or is it that you never had a true friend?
For one to be right, there must be a reason for it to be so. And that is the reason for it to be wrong. As balanced this world is, for one to truly feel lonely, they must first witness the feeling of love and companies by others.
Its been sometime since i've felt such feelings running thru me again. Which reminds me of the first time i actually felt like stopping contacts with my friends, and just isolate myself for some while. But each time i decided to change my phone number, switch my facebook to deactivate, i realized how many of you out there (Just some of you of course), that really needed me. To talk to me when you are feeling down or unhappy... To have a shoulder to cry on... Of course i'm not proclaiming myself to be a really good person or whatsoever, but just to let you guys know, you out there that actually talked and shared your heart to me, those stories of you that i have heard and listened, not with my ears but with my heart, are what that keeps me motivated in life. It is almost as tho you're problems and sadness became a part of my life.
And each time my arrow point towards the button "deactivate", i think of you guys. What if in the next minute, you suddenly needed a listening ear and no one were there for you? What would you do? How would you feel? And those were just the few reasons i've said, there were many more in mind that couldn't be formed into words. Emotions that have been so long suppressed in me that sometimes i think instead of you that needed me to listen, it was me who wanted to listen to you.
To some of you who are close to me, you might realize i have a little habit. I use to never care much about saying bye and all to my friends, but it was life that thought me to treasure all that i have. As life goes on further and further, there were too much that needed to be kept, and yet the chest were too full to keep it all. It was just awhile ago when i stopped saying goodbyes to people. And instead, i say 'see you'. As i've said, i never liked good bye.. And i as life has thought me so far, now i've hate goodbyes even more than ever. I've developed a habit of saying 'see you soon', because i do believe that in a person, at many times majority of us do not like goodbyes. And words we use during communication and contact does affect our subconscious thinking. And so i thought, if just by changing my everyday used words like 'goodbyes' to 'see you soon' could make a person feel less lonely, by make them feel like there are someone who are missing them and are looking forward for their next meet up. And so I've done many little things in life sometimes, without other's noticing trying to make them feel better in life and just to keep a smile on their faces.
To those out there who are still reading my blog, why not give it a try? Change your 'goodbyes' to 'see you soon', and see if your friends does thought of you or feel less lonely? Because i believe that it is because of those whom we have, that made us feel lonely.
Without wrong decisions, there will be no right decisions,
without darkness, there will be no light,
without you, it will not be me here today.
Axel out.
ஐღº A.C ºღஐ
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