Its a long post, but bare with it...
thank you...
The A(H1N1) flu pandemic, estimated more than 2 billion people worldwide could get it. Thousands of schools may shut down. And millions will need to be vaccinated-twice.
It all started 1918, more than 600,000 Americans died from the pandemic; 70,000 "excess" deaths resulted from the Asian flu in 1957; and there were 34,000 deaths after the Hong Kong flu hit in 1968. And now, next comes the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, yet the screens showed nothing but a series of question marks. Each year 250,000 to 500,000 people would die worldwide caused by the seasonal flu. But ever since the first case which were reported in Mexico last March, health officials from Washington to Beijing have been girding for a difficulty fall and winter. The World Health Organisation known as (WHO) has estimated that anywhere from 15% to 45% of the world's population approximately 1 billion to 3 billion people, will catch the illness. It was spoken by Alan Hay, the director of WHO's World Influenza Center in London " We know that influenza usually takes off in the winter months. We assume that to e the case with H1N1. But there;s no way to know precisely how a pandemic will unfold." But the good news is that the H1N1 is not, so far, a particularly severe disease for those who are healthy. in laboratory-confirmed cases of H1N1 infection, only around 1,200 people have died out of more than 160,000 patients, according to WHO figures. The H1n1 tends to be no worse than the seasonal flu. A few days in bed and lots of liquid and the patient would get better. But hovering in the background of the current pandemic is the possibility that H1n1's virulence might suddenly change, for one flu virus can easily swap genetic information with other viruses resulting its unstable genetic structure. The best laboratory in which to study the flu virus is the human population itself. Flu is a disease that keeps on mutating and evolving itself, therefore is impossible to stay ahead of this virus.
What about vaccinations we might ask?
64 million person in France wants to be vaccinated, and YES! its the whole of France!!!
And the U.S. plans to immunize more than half its population.
Sounds like a marvellous plan?
Well... this so called "marvelous" plan has just been busted. Report were spread worldwide in the past few days regarding the side effects of the medication. It was confirmed the possibility of getting mental illness from this particular medication, and its also know as "Retardation".
So the new question now is "Rather be retarded...or dead?"
You make the choice...
Now every one's criticizing on the on the great job the scientists did, but someone has to do something, right? Would people feel better if they had not taken any actions at all? Would YOU feel better?
So, what should we do?
There was a few suggestions from the professionals...
Since there's a strong chance that some schools could be forced to close for a time because of the flu, start getting your child-care plans ready in advance
It sounds positively 19th century, but one of the best ways to keep yourself safe from the flu - or any infectious disease - is to wash your hands thoroughly and regularly. Clean surfaces at home and at the office as well - flu viruses can survive on them for up to 48 hours. And tries to cough into the crook of your elbow rather than your palms.
Workplaces and schools are nexuses of infection. One sick worker or student can come in and spread the flu to all his or her colleagues. If you or your child has flulike symptoms, stay home and stop the chain of infections.
Virologists like to say the only thing predictable about the flu is its unpredictability, At this point, we can't be sure how severe H1N1 will be in the fall. But overreaction will only make it worse.
And we may ask, how did the H1N1 were created?
Here is the answer to that question...
Before 1990
The genes that make up the new H1N1 flu virus come from various swine and avian flus, along with the seasonal H3N2 human-flu virus.
Before 2000
In 1998 new "triple reassortant"flu viruses are found in pigs, with genes from avian, swine and human sources.
Now 2009
Six genes in H1N1 earlier triple reassortant swine viruses, and two genes come from Eurasian swine viruses, all mixing in an unknown host.
So basically, this is the equation (congratulations to those Addmath students.. this should be easy)
Classic swine + Avian + Human H3N2 = Swine H1N2
Swine H1N2 + Classic Swine = Swine H3N2
Swine H3N2 + Eurasian Swine = Human H1N1
(so if your friend jokes with you about them having H1N2, yes...they are pigs-.-)
Since the flu is a never ending disease and always mutating and evolving...
So whats next?
From the WHO, CDC (Center of Disease Control)
There are 3 possibilities...
1) The H1N1 virus could stay genetically stable, remaining highly infectious but not especially deadly.
2) H1N1 could reassort with seasonal flu or the bird flu h5N1, potentially marking its lethal.
3) H1N1 could mutate in such a way that it becomes less transmissible, but scientists say that is unlikely.
So next topic,
How does the Virus actually works?
H1N1 is an entirely new virus, but it stills works the way past flus have - by invading the body cell by cell. The question is whether out immune system can respond in time - and before the virus mutates.
The flu virus usually enters the body through the respiratory tract. It then invades cells, using them to make more copies of itself. The cell releases the new viruses to infect more cells.
The immune system has several layers of defense, including killer T cells, which attacks cells overcome by viruses. Eventually, new antibodies are created that can neutralize viruses before they can infect cells.
There is no cure for viral infections, but antiviral drugs can lessen the severity and length of influenza. Tamiflu inhibits the N enzyme, preventing the flu virus from reproducing inside infected cells.
When reproducing, viruses can make mistakes in their genetic materials or even reassort with other flu viruses. Mutation can create new viruses that the immune system can't recognize.
let us pray hard and wish it does not turn out to be lethal...
for whats worrying the world now is this question...
"Flu pandemics are unlikely to break out during hot weather... But the H1N1 had an break out during the summer time, and as days comes closer to fall, the number has been increasing dramatically, who would know what would be unfold if the Northern winter comes...?"
Please... people who are reading this blog... The writer of this blog urges people to take precautions of this out break. This pandemic has been told as the most chronic out break since the Hong Kong flu in 1968...
Billions are going to get it... Many are going to die...
But with your help, we could be able to decrease the number of victims significantly...
If not doing it for yourself, at least do it for the sake of your loved ones...
This pandemic is going to cause many tribulations...
As our days to the crucial moment are numbered...
Its time for mankind to stop having wars and stand together as one...
For what we are about to face are unpredictable...
Without peace, our whole world would be thrown into chaos...
Thank you all for reading this post, and hopefully with this we are able to help others.
Thanks again to all...=)
Blogged by Axel Chang
Sources from:
World Health Organization (WHO)
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Times Magazine
CNN News
The Star
ஐღº MrAxel ºღஐ